ICCA CPCIF EHS심포지엄행사안내 (11.20.중국 상하이)

2014.09.12 6135

이전에 공지된바와 같이 ICCA가 CPCIF(중국석유화학공업협회)와 공동으로 EHS심포지엄 세미나를 엽니다.

참가 원하시는 회원사는 본 사무국으로 연락부탁드립니다.

*첨부 프로그램 안 및 신청서 작성


Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 10:55 PM
Subject: ICCA CP&H LG - Invitation to join the CPCIF-EHS Symposium on 20. November 2014
To: ICCA Chemical Policy & Health LG

Dear all,

as announced at our recent CP&H LG meeting in Beijing, I would like to invite you and your Asian EH&S Heads to join the CPCIF-ICCA EHS Symposium in Shanghai on 20. November 2014. The event is scheduled back-to-back with the CPCIF Responsible Care Award Ceremony, please find the draft agenda attached below. Your participation will provide you with the unique possibility to exchange with your peers on EHS related issues relevant to China and it will be an excellent networking opportunity with Chinese State-Owned Enterprises.

If you would like to join us at the CPCIF-ICCA EHS Symposium, please register by 3. October 2014 by providing me with name and position of the participant. We hope for your positive response and look forward to welcoming you in Shanghai! Should you have further questions, I am happy to help.

Kind Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr. Anna Hitschler

Global Product Strategy (GPS)
BASF - The Chemical Company