ICCA E&CC 리더십그룹 CC회의결과 - 회의록*첨부
2014.01.15 9569
ICCA E&CC리더십그룹에서 전달된 CC회의록(`14.1.8)을 아래와 같이 참고하시기 바랍니다.
*첨부 140108 Draft Minutes LG CC
-----Original Message-----
From: "野中 玲子" [mailto:rnonaka@jcia-net.or.jp]
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 3:52 PM
Subject: Draft Minutes from Wednesday 8 January, 2014
To ICCA Energy and Climate Change Leadership Group,
Dear member,
Attached please find the draft minutes from the last ICCA E&CC LG conference call, which was held on Wednesday 8 January, 2014.
Please review and let me know if you have any additions or corrections.
For your information, next ICCA E&CC LG conference call will be held on Wednesday 12 February, 2014 Detail will be informed later.
Best Regards,
Reiko Nonaka
JCIA for ICCA E&CC LG Secretariat