[(KOCIC) 18-1월호(下) 뉴스레터] EU REACH, 최종 등록 마감일 이후에도 끝난 것이라고 볼 수 없다

2018.02.05 4414

· ACC, “EPA는 규칙 제정에 앞서 PBT(폴리부타디엔) 기준을 업데이트해야 한다”

· 세계경제포럼보고서, 산업이 가야 할 방향성을 제시하다

· 다우듀폰 CEO, “아시아시장이 정밀화학사업 성장의 핵심”

· EPA: 트럼프 행정부, 미국청정물법(WOTUS) 판결에 대해 “예상한 결과”

· 듀폰 임원, “삼산화안티몬 발암물질 명단 포함이 업계에 부담이 되지 않을 것”

· 염화메틸렌은 주(州) 말고 미국유해물질규제법(TSCA)에 의해 규제되어야 한다

· EPA, 2016년도 유해 대기오염물질 배출량 2006년 대비 58% 감소

· EU REACH, 최종 등록 마감일 이후에도 끝난 것이라고 볼 수 없다


(*목차의 제목을 클릭하시면 뉴스레터 본문으로 연결됩니다)

<기사 내용>

ACC, “EPA는 규칙 제정에 앞서 PBT(폴리부타디엔기준을 업데이트해야 한다” [Chemical Watch (ACC Smartbrief, 1-15)]


미국화학협회(ACC)는 미국 환경보호청(EPA)이 유해화학물질관리법(TSCA)에 따라 데카BDE과 PBT 네 종류와 관련한 조치를 취하기 전에 생체 축적성 및 독성물질에 대한 "시대에 뒤떨어진기준을 갱신해야 한다고 주장한다이 물질에 대한 위해성 관리 규칙은 2019년 6월 말까지 제안되어야 한다.


(기사 원문)

ACC urges EPA to update persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic criteria

TSCA amendments require expedited action


The American Chemistry Council (ACC) has urged the US EPA to update its criteria for identifying and evaluating "persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic" (PBT) substances before it completes rapid risk management action on five PBT substances, as required by the new TSCA.

The organisation has also encouraged the agency to use only "credible" sources of information on current uses of PBTs.

The Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act requires the agency to take "expedited" action on certain PBTs by skipping their risk evaluation and proceeding directly to imposing rules to reduce their exposure.

Proposed risk management rules are due by 22 June 2019, with final rules to follow within 18 months.


The agency announced in October 2016 that it would take action on the following substances:

?decaBDE, a brominated flame retardant used in textiles, plastics, wiring insulation, and building and construction materials;

?hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD), used as a solvent in the manufacture of rubber compounds and as a hydraulic, heat transfer or transformer fluid;

?pentachlorothiophenol (PCTP), used as a sulfur cross-linking agent to make rubber more pliable in industrial uses;

?tris(4-isopropylphenyl) phosphate (IPTPP), used as a flame retardant in consumer products and as a lubricant, hydraulic fluid, and in other industrial uses; and

?2,4,6-tris(tert-butyl) phenol, an antioxidant that can be used as a fuel, oil, gasoline or lubricant additive.


The EPA published preliminary information on exposure and use for each of the five, as well as what it expects to consider in the development of the proposed rules. The deadline for stakeholder input was later extended to 12 January.

Despite the deadlines, updating the "outdated" PBT criteria used in the EPA`s work plan is consistent with the "scientific requirements" of TSCA and the agency`s regulations for implementing it, the ACC said in its comments.

In addition, the ACC says, the EPA should rely on industry reports for its assessments of current use patterns: "Use information provided by industry to a chemical regulatory authority is far more reliable than anonymous postings on websites by unknown sources of dubious accuracy and lacking credibility and unverified sites and sources."

The organisation also warned that the US Department of Health and Human Services Household Products Database has not been comprehensively updated. It should be consulted only as a "starting point in EPA’s inquiry" it argued.

In addition, the ACC said, the agency should acknowledge the "limitations" of information in its Toxic Release Inventory Information (TRI) database and clearly state how it intends to use that information in its PBTs work.

The industry group suggested the EPA consult the REACH database and the Downstream Users of Chemicals Co-ordination Group (Ducc) for information on chemical use in Europe.


Other comments

Among other comments, the International Association of Firefighters submitted comments urging the EPA to consider the risk flame retardants such as decaBDE pose to firefighters who inhale toxic smoke.

And the law firm Akin Gump wrote on behalf of an industry client that IPTPP is used in the aviation sector only in closed hydraulic systems and worker exposure is "very minimal".

"The importance of the reliability and consistency of these products to the industry and end-users cannot be understated," it said.

세계경제포럼보고서산업 및 정부에 환경 위협요소에 대한 대비책 마련에 대한 필요성을 강조하다 [Sustainable Brands (Smartbrief on Sustainability, 1-18)]


어떤 방면에서는 많은 일이 처리되고 있다고 근거 없이 낙관적으로 받아들여지기도 한다그러나 세계경제포럼은 앞으로 다가올 어려움을 강조하며 경각심을 일깨우는 글로벌 위협요소에 대한 보고서 Global Risk Report를 발간했다총 30개의 위협요소 중 5가지의 환경 위험 요인(기상이변생물다양성 상실 및 생태계 붕괴천연재해인류유발 환경재앙기후변화 완화 및 적응 실패모두가 가능성 및 영향력 측면에서 높은 순위를 차지하고 있으며이는 상호 연결된 체계 속에서 각자가 적절한 대응을 취하지 않으면 다 함께 붕괴되는 것이 진정한 위험 요소라는 것이다.

다우듀폰 CEO, “아시아시장이 정밀화학사업 성장의 핵심 [Nikkei Asian Review(Japan) (ACC Smartbrief on Sustainability, 1-22)]


다우듀폰 CEO Andrews Liveris는 아시아가 고부가가치 화학제품 생산으로 전환되고 있는 가운데 다우듀폰 정밀화학사업 분야 성장의 차기 핵심 지역이 될 것이라고 주장했다그는 정확한 시한 결정이 아직 진행 중임에도 불구 다우듀폰이 계획했던 대로 3개 업체로의 분리가 진행되고 있다고 덧붙였다.

EPA: 트럼프 행정부미국청정물법(WOTUS) 판결에 대해 예상한 결과” [E&E News(ACC SmartBrief, 1-24)]


미국 대법원이 화요일에 미국청정물법(WOTUS)에 대한 소송이 지방법원에서 개최되어야 한다고 내린 판결에 대해 트럼프 정부는 이미 예상하였다는 반응이다. EPA 대변인에 따르면법정 관할권의 변화가 확정되거나 오바마 행정부의 도를 넘는 WOTUS의 정의가 성립되기 전까지는 확정이 연기될 것으로 보인다는 의견이다.

듀폰 임원, “삼산화안티몬 발암물질 명단 포함이 업계에 부담이 되지 않을 것” [Bloomberg BNA(ACC SmartBrief, 1-24)]


연방 과학 자문위원회가 인체에 발암성이 있는 폴리에틸렌테레프탈레이트 제조에 사용되는 물질인 삼산화안티몬 분석 초안을 검토할 예정이다듀폰의 댄터너(Dan Turner) 등 임원들은 삼산화안티몬이 발암물질에 대한 연방보고서에 포함될 경우에 대해서 산업에 미치는 영향을 미미할 것이라고 검토하였다.

염화메틸렌은 주()가 아닌 미국유해물질규제법(TSCA)에 의해 규제되어야 한다 [Chemical Watch(ACC Smartbrief, 1-26)]


염화메틸렌은 미국 유해물질규제법이 작업계획(workplan) 대상 최초 10개 화학 물질 중 하나인데캘리포니아 소재 산업계가 Safer Consumer Products 프로그램 하 제안한 제품 목록에 따라 주 정부 차원의 규제 대상이 되었다.


(기사 원문)

Industry: Federal rules should bar California from acting on methylene chloride

State plans to name paint strippers a `priority product`

25 January 2018 / Alternatives assessment & substitution, Built environment, Solvents, TSCA, United States


Industry`s primary strategy to block California from restricting paint strippers containing methylene chloride also known as dichloromethane will apparently rely on arguing that state action duplicates, and may be pre-empted by, existing and pending federal regulations.


Last November, California`s Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) proposed regulations to name the paint and varnish strippers a "priority product" under the state`s Safer Consumer Products (SCP) programme. This would trigger requirements that manufacturers undertake "alternatives analysis". It could eventually lead to the products being restricted or banned in the state.


However, in comments on the proposal, industry groups and manufacturers noted that:


the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Osha) already regulates worker exposure to methylene chloride;

the US EPA has regulated emissions of the chemical under the Clean Air Act; and

the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has required warning labels for consumer products.

In June 2017, CPSC commissioners voted unanimously to grant an industry petition to revise labelling requirements to better address acute hazards from vapour inhalation. The new requirements are in the process of being drafted.


"This comprehensive regulatory framework provides protection with respect to the same potential adverse impacts and potential exposure pathways targeted by the current DTSC initiative," wrote Faye Graul, executive director of the Halogenated Solvents Industry Association (HSIA). "Taking steps that may lead to the removal of products from the marketplace because workers or consumers failed to comply with these existing requirements is not consistent with the SCP regulations," she wrote.


Not only should state consumer regulation be pre-empted by the CPSC initiatives, but the US EPA is also in the process of addressing methylene chloride under TSCA, which would explicitly pre-empt state action, argued Anthony Sampson, an attorney at William and Porter writing on behalf of solvent manufacturer WM Barr.


The EPA technically has proposals pending to restrict the use of of methylene chloride. But they were issued in the final days of the Obama administration, and the agency indicated in December that it is probably abandoning them by downgrading their status on its regulatory agenda.


Indeed, Jennifer McPartland, senior scientist at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), argued in her comments that the EPA`s recent action "makes it all the more urgent that California move now."


Methylene chloride is also among the first ten substances undergoing risk evaluation under the new TSCA.


Acute and chronic toxicity

In general industry`s comments did not dispute the acute toxicity of paint strippers, which have been linked to several well publicised fatalities in recent years, but argued that labelling requirements are sufficient protection. And they attacked the scientific basis of the DTSC`s argument that longer term exposure to methylene chloride has been shown to cause cancer.


They also argued that because alternatives to methylene chloride are ineffective, a ban would lead consumers to use much larger amounts of alternative chemicals, some of which also present fire hazards.


Once the DTSC finalises the designation of a priority product, manufacturers of such products sold in the state will have 60 days to register and begin an analysis to determine if a safer alternative exists.


Children`s sleeping items containing the flame retardants TDCPP or TCEP officially became the first "priority product" in July 2017 and the public comment period on the second priority product spray polyurethane foam (SPF) containing MDI ended in June.


Listing as a priority product "sets in motion a strategy to reduce human exposure," the DTSC said in its current proposal, but it is unknown what regulatory action DTSC could take in response to alternatives analyses.

EPA, 2016년도 유해 대기오염물질 배출량 2006년 대비 58% 감소 [E&E News(ACC Smartbrief, 1-31)]



환경 보호청에 따르면, 2016년도에 유해 화학물질의 생산이 2% 증가했지만그 중 87%는 재활용과 그 밖의 다른 폐기물 관리 실행으로 인해 대기나 토양수질에 배출되지 않았다보고서는 유해가스 배출이 2006년과 비교해 58% 감소하여 장기적인 하향 추세를 보여 주었다고 말했다.

EU REACH, 최종 등록 마감일 이후에도 끝난 것이라고 볼 수 없다 [Cefic (18.2.1)]



(2018년 2월 1일 브뤼셀) Cefic의 REACH 및 화학물질 관련 법령 부문장 애르빈애니스(Arwin Annys)가 2018년 1월 31일 헬싱키에서 개최된 ‘ECHA 이해관계자의 날(EACH’s’ Stakeholders’ Day)’ 연설에서 전한 핵심 메시지는 유럽연합 REACH는 연간 제조·수입 1톤 이상 100톤 이하 기존물질 등록 최종 마감일인 5월 31일 이후에도 끝났다고 보기 어렵다는 것이었다.

2018년 61일부터는 REACH 하 유효한 등록을 한 화학물질이나 비대상물질만이 EU시장에서 허용된다그러나 애니는 등록된 물질이 빙산의 일각에 불과하다고 강조했다아직 평가허가 및 제한 절차가 남아있다서류일체와 물질 심사 평가는 산업계에 필요한 정보 입수나 제공 등 추가적 업무를 발생시키며 결함이 있거나 사용톤수 및 노출 정보가 누락 시 처리해야 하는 일이 생긴다.

마지막 등록 마감일이 다가옴에 따라애니는 화학 업체들에게 화학물질 등록을 안전하게 마무리하기 위하여 마감일까지 기다려서는 안 되고 미리 처리해야 할 것이라고 경고했다.

한편전세계에서 약 300명의 참가자들이 참석한 ‘ECHA 이해관계자의 날’ 행사에서는 참가자들이게 업체의 REACH 하 성공적 물질 등록을 돕기 위해 가장 최신의 조언지원사례연구를 제공한다.

